August 9, 2014
Interesting news today while out to lunch with Floyd and Emily. They asked me if I would detail two of their vans, one for personal use (Emily) and one for patient use. I gladly accepted and hope this means more vans from Floyd's company. I have to say it is much nicer for the cancer patients to have a clean and comfortable ride and it gives me a new purpose in life. Floyd and Emily have been life savers in more ways than they will ever know.
I am very excited. They also asked me if I would be interested in being a dispatcher for NW LLC. I would get to talk to the drivers, plan routes, pick ups, drop offs and what not. Once I learn how to do that job I don't see any reason I can't do it. But map reading is not my forte' I will have to be taught things about timing and distance.
Which brings me to the cleaning service. Well, that actually ended before it got started. Maggie ended up with two almost full time jobs and I had an epiphany which lead me to telling David I just couldn't do the job. Going into strangers houses alone did not sound appealing at all. So me and Maggie dissolved Sisters cleaning service for good.
Good news is we got to keep the new clothes, shoes, vacuum and variety of cleaning products and utensils. Our home has never been cleaner!
MADISON AVENUE turned down a gig and then got turned down. The harbor master was being a prick in my opinion when he said he wanted our band to play first spot for Marina fest just to "get us out of the way". That was just plain rude. We told him several people in our band worked early in the morning but he was not willing to move us to a night spot. After all, we are a night time act with lights and all. So David said fine we will take the 6pm spot and he said, "never mind I found another band" and boy did he, the most boring put people to sleep band ever. Thank you gods of revenge!
I would like to mention Madison's sound team is down there doing a kick ass job!
David is painting the van still and I am going to join him, not before stopping off to give my babygirl a big fat hugg and lovin from her mama.
Have a great weekend and I will be back to post when I get here.. ;)))