Kitty Mayhem!
September 10, 2014
In the post before this one I was explaining how we trapped a cat in the garage and then how it managed to escape. I left out part of the story during the process of the trapping the garage kitty.
It has been the source of great laughter for me and Maggie for the last few days. I can barely write this without giggling still, so here goes.
I have the kind of husband who, well lets just say is always submerged in his work. When he is not driving the shuttle run, he can be found on his computer doing his Internet related work. When he is in this work mode very little can distract him.
On the night me and Maggie were setting up the trap, David was working peacefully in our bedroom on his websites fully concentrated and happy to not be part of the kitty trapping process.
When Maggie and I got the cat in the trap we were so excited. I asked Maggie if she would go in and put our cats in one of the bedrooms so we could bring the trapped kitten in for the kennel exchange. She chose the bedroom David was working in.
Looking back on this, we can see where it might not have been the greatest idea to use that bedroom. While we stood in the living room prepping the kennel, David came barreling out of the bedroom and into the bathroom. This is where the funny part came in, well, for me and Maggie it was the funny part.
We saw David with lots of toilet paper in hand and he was practically running back to the bedroom, not even one minute later he came back out running to the bathroom and coming out with even more toilet paper. This must have happened four maybe five times. We finally asked him what he was doing and in his frantic and angry voice he said, "these cats keep puking on the floor and one started puking on the bed and one was in the closet peeing".
He then came back out of the bedroom and got more toilet paper and stated to us, "it just keeps coming"
He storms back into the bedroom and Maggie and I could hardly contain ourselves. We 'quietly' laughed so hard and are still laughing today when we talk about it. He now has a small idea what it is it like for us ladies who are here on a daily basis dealing with this when the cats are having bad days or the dog decides he wants to go into the litter box for treats! It's called life with animals and even though it does cause us to pull out our hair some days, we all love them very much and would never life live without them.
Animals are one happy inconvenience we tolerate because they bring such joy into our lives, the good days far outweigh the hectic ones.
Animals enrich peoples lives, they are amazing in their capacity to humor and show affection to their human companions.
They are self sufficient for the most part, playful, friendly, they have an element of mystery to them, but they are fiercely loyal to their caregivers. I would never have a home without a cat in it and I question anyone who does not like cats or dogs or have one in he home. Well excluding people with health reasons.
For those of you who love cats you must catch an episode of the "Cat Daddy" Jackson Galaxy. He is worth the watch. If you don't have a television you can catch past episodes on Y-tube!