I slept pretty good last night, I was definitely exhausted and needed the sleep. Life is so busy right now. Sometimes I wish that I had a job outside the home so I could get a little break, maybe even some cash.
Unfortunately we have not met with the age of getting paid for being domestic engineer, so I will continue on the way it's always been until something better happens.
I just got home from Shopko and as I was walking out the door to my car, this older and nicely dressed woman was in front of me. I couldn't help but notice she smelled musty, what ever that means hey?
Seriously, why do old ladies smell the same and old men all look the same. Makes me hesitant to grow older. When that time comes and anymore should notice I smell musty, please feel free to douse me in Jovan's soft musk. It is my favorite scent and I seldom use anything else. That will take care of the issue.
I found some PEE PEE Really I did, and it's not what you think, it's for removing animal urine stains and I hope it works. The Febreeze is working some what but I need a stronger floor cleaner next to the litter boxes and on the particle board in our closet.
I cleaned out Chris's car and Kevin's truck a couple days ago because I was bored with nothing to do. So if you want your car cleaned just leave it in my driveway, I will be happy to accommodate. I do like cleaning vehicles!
I miss my husband, this being apart is going to take some getting used too. He has been gone for five days now and it feels more like a month. But it is all for a good cause, we like our home and family and want to keep both going.
I know he is making the biggest sacrifice of all leaving his home, wife, family and what's left of his business behind to make life better for all of us. I have a lot of respect and admiration for him.
I Love You David.....
Time to get moving, got some cleaning to catch up on and a closet to organize!
Have a happy day!