Spring is Sping'in
March 24, 2014
Road trip.........................
The weather was very nice on Sunday so me and David decided to go for a short road trip to get away from the same four walls. My poor hubby is getting into a rut and feeling a little sad these days. Business is tough out there and life's just plain slapping him around right now.
I wish times were not so hard and he didn't have to work so hard to keep things going. He works sun up to sun down with very little sleep in between. About all I can do is be there for him and try my best to help out where I can.
The ride away was refreshing but not long enough. KISS KISS BABE.. One day things wont be so hard and we can take the time to do the things we want to do. You will get more rest and not have to struggle so hard all the time. In the mean time, I am here for you.. xxxxxxxxxx