July 28, 2014
UPDATE: David just passed his Defensive Driving Class with a 96%! Well, one more phase to go and he is all done with the testing.
David passed his CPR and first aid class with a score of 90%! His next 4 hour class is the defensive driving and he is already half way though that class too. I'm very proud him and he is a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for.
Too bad his CPR skills can't save me. I woke up feeling indifferent this morning but that quickly changed to tears, anxiety and a deep sense of sadness. I just can't get it together to function very well.
I am walking though life with my happy face and underneath it all I am feeling like the world has swallowed me up. Panic attacks seeped back into my world but this time I don't seem to care much. At least I know I am still alive.
Life just feels very heavy right for me right now. I am trying real hard to keep going despite how my body and brain feel.
So anyway, I am going to get dressed and spend some time doing a few things that need to be taken care of like my husbands vitamins. The outside distractions that come with shopping help a lot.
Looks like a sunny day but feels cool out. Regardless, I am going to try real hard to make it a good day.